Dietilèn glycol segondè pite ak pri ki ba
Sijè | Metòd tès | Inite | Limit akseptasyon | Rezilta tès la |
Aparisyon | Estimasyon ranje | _ | Likid san koulè transparan san enpurte mekanik | Pase |
Kroma | GB/T 3143-1982 (2004) | Pt-Co | ≤15 | 5 |
Dansite (20 ℃) | GB/T 29617-2003 | kg/m3 | 1115.5 ~ 1117. 6 | 1116.4 |
Kontni dlo | GB/T 6283-2008 | %(m/m) | ≤0.1 | 0.007 |
Range bouyi | GB/T 7534-2004 | ℃ |
Kòmanse pwen | ≥242 | 245.2 | ||
Pwen final bouyi | ≤250 | 246.8 | ||
Dimansyon ranje |
| 1.6 | ||
Pite | SH/T 1054-1991 (2009) | %(m/m) |
| 99.93 |
Ethylene glycol kontni | SH/T 1054-1991 (2009) | %(m/m) | ≤0.15 | 0.020 |
Trietilèn glycol kontni | SH/T 1054-1991 (2009) | %(m/m) | ≤0.4 | 0.007 |
Kontni fè (tankou fe2+) | GB/T 3049-2006 | %(m/m) | ≤0.0001 | ≤0.00001 |
Asidite (tankou asid acetic) | GB/T14571.1- 2016 | %(m/m) | ≤0.01 | 0.006 |
220kg/tanbou, 80drums/20gp, 17.6mt/20gp, 25.52mt/40gp
Yon san koulè, san odè, transparan, igroskopik likid gluan. Li gen yon dous pikant. Solubility li yo se menm jan ak sa yo ki an ethylene glycol, men solubilite li nan idrokarbur se pi fò. Diethylene glycol can be miscible with water, ethanol, ethylene glycol, acetone, chloroform, furfural, etc. It is immiscible with ether, carbon tetrachloride, carbon disulfide, straight chain aliphatic hydrocarbon, aromatic hydrocarbon, etc. Rosin, shellac, cellulose acetate, and most oils are insoluble Nan glycol dietilèn, men yo ka fonn nitrat karboksimetil, rezin alk, rezin Polyester, an poliyiretàn, ak pi koloran. Ki ka pran dife, ki ba toksisite. Gen pwopriyete chimik jeneral alkòl ak etè.
Metòd Depo
1. Magazen nan yon kote ki fre ak sèk. Asire bon vantilasyon nan atelye a.
2. Kenbe lwen dife ak sous dlo. Magazen lwen oksidan
1. Sitou itilize kòm ajan dezidratasyon gaz ak sòlvan fè ekstraksyon aromat. Li se tou itilize kòm sòlvan pou nitrat karboksimetil, résine, grès, lank enprime, twal adousi, ajan fini, ak fè ekstraksyon nan coumarone ak inden soti nan goudwon chabon. Anplis de sa, se glycol dyetilèn tou itilize kòm yon konplèks lwil fren, celluloid adousi, antijèl ak diluan nan polimerizasyon emulsion. Tou itilize pou kawotchou ak résine plastifyan; Polyester résine; Fiberglass; Kim carbamate; Pwodiksyon de lubrifyan lwil viskozite ak lòt pwodwi. Itilize pou sentetik résine Polyester enstore, elatriye.
2. Used as synthetic unsaturated polyester resin, plasticizer, etc. Also used for antifreeze, gas dehydrating agent, plasticizer, solvent, aromatics extraction agent, cigarette hygroscopic agent, textile lubricant and finishing agent, paste and all kinds of adhesive anti-drying agent, VAT dye hygroscopic solvent, etc. It is a common solvent for grease, resin and Nitrocellulose.